About ABT

The ABT management team bring knowledge and experience from a variety of business and business education backgrounds. They are supported by a number of lecturers, trainers and technical assistants, authorised to deliver the ABT services, models and simulations.

ABT was founded in 1999 to make available a number of tools and simulations developed by Prof. Alastair Nicholson for MBA teaching and consulting. With a passion for "bringing reality into the classroom" Alastair has been a pioneer in keypad-based active learning for management education since joining London Business School in 1970.  The earliest experiments used hard-wired industrial monitoring and relay equipment, with the range of radio-based handsets and audience response systems now available these tools are continually becoming more adaptable, portable and accessible.

Alastair's experience in business school lecture theatres has shaped ABT's portfolio of products and services. He currently lectures regularly at business schools in London, Oxford, Warsaw, Kiev, Newcastle, Bath and Southampton and is also advising on changes to business school curricula around the world. He continues to experiment with new methodologies and technologies, the results of which are fed back into ABT. He has also consulted widely in the UK, Europe, Ukraine and Russia, on over 1000 projects.